
 How to Teach Restorative Yoga

This weekend course is an introduction to restorative yoga for teachers keen to teach and keen students who would like to create or refine their home practices.

Donna Rao- Certified by Judith Hanson Laster as a Relax and Renew Trainer- will introduce you to restorative yoga as taught by the grandmama of restorative yoga- Judith Hanson Laster. Marcia Wilson- who has also studied with Judith Hanson Lasater- will assist during the training.

Over the 2 days of sessions you will learn:
* The importance of Restorative Yoga in our lives
* How to use props to fully support your students into a restful state
* The physiology of relaxation
* Poses for specific issues and conditions
*Important considerations in teaching restorative yoga to a wide range of students.

You will experience the poses first hand and also learn how to set up a person in the pose, individulizing it based on observation and feedback.

Teaching yoga is an art and a skill that keeps us engaged and creative, and always learning. You can look forward to a weekend of deepening on all levels.


 Relax & Renew 5 Days

Complete this year by giving yourself a gift 

 5 consecutive Days   Stay Tuned for Dates

            10:30 – 12:30        $110 

Practice the fine art of doing nothing


Contact Donna

250 838.9884

SAD Workshop for Seasonal Affective Disorder.

What people say about the SAD Workshop….

“Thank you Donna for offering these tools to “stave off the winter blues”.  My body and spirit felt good after trying each pose.  I have been taking your classes for many years now.  Although I have not yet reached my goal of daily yoga practice.  I have found that my weekly class with you plus a few poses during the week has done so much to keep the body aches of aging at bay, I have more energy and have fewer slumps in my mood.  For all that I am grateful.  You have offered me and all you teach a wonderful gift.  Thank you.” 

“Sincere thanks for the workshop.  I felt you addressed my needs with grace and light humour, keeping the afternoon on the positive note and on the upside of the topic we were addressing”